We will be closed on Saturday the 22nd June.


Discover Scuba Diving Have you ever wanted to try scuba diving but not sure if it's for you? Then this is a great way to find out. After a short briefing -it's time to get in to the water and try on some scuba gear and breath for the first time under the water. ***This is not a scuba certification but a scuba experience*** Find Out More

PADI Open Water This is the first certification in the new adventure that awaits you in the under water world.   There are three parts to this course: Academics Confined Water dives 4-Open Water dives Through this course you will gain your first  scuba diving certification. (Includes rental equipment and Loc... Find Out More

ReActivate ReActivate - Refresh your skills Find Out More

PADI Advanced Open Water Exploration, excitement and experiences are what scuba diving is all about. So, now you have become an Open water scuba diver. It's time to take the next step and progress your knowledge and experience! There are five adventure dives and some academics included in this course. Although there are academics, this i... Find Out More

Rescue Diver This will be the most challenging, rewarding  and fun course a diver will take. What will you learn? Self-rescue Recognizing and managing stress in other divers Emergency management and equipment Rescuing panicked divers Rescuing unresponsive divers Normally a 2-day course Cost $455 Find Out More

DPV Dive Propulsion Vehicle Find Out More

EFR1 Emergency First Response 1 Find Out More
